Sunday, June 8, 2014

Grocery Saving List til June 12th

Number of stars indicate how good of a deal compared to one year low I think it is. This can be used in Walmart stores..Take your flyers or print them out.

Food Basics - Expires June 12th
Kraft dinner $5.88/12 - $1 from Kraft web site = $4.88/12 or 40c a box ****
Gala apples 88c/lb **
Tomatoes on the vine 88c/lb **
Mushrooms 88c/227g ***
Chapman's $1.88/2L ice cream get 2 free with overage when you PM at WM and use the Chapman's mailed in coupon ****
Radishes 88c/bunch ***
Delissio pizza $5.88 for 2 ***

No Frills - Expires June 12th
Ragu pasta sauce 99c ***
Tomatoes 69c/lb ***
English cucumber 69c/each **
Watermelon $3.97/11lb **

Metro - Expires June 12th
Strawberries $1.67/lb ***
Blackberries $1.67/pint **
Classico pasta sauce $2 **

Walmart - Expires June 12th
Kraft PB $3- $1 coupon from Kraft web site = $2/kg ****

Super C - Expires June 11th
Coke or Pepsi $1/2L ***
Frozen boneless skinless chicken breast $2/lb ***
Ground pork $2/lb **
Fruitopia/five alive $1 ***
Peaches $1/lb ***
Nectarines $1/lb ***

Maxi - Expires June 11th
Red seedless grapes 99c/lb ***

Gateway Meat Market - Expires June 11th
Seedless watermelon 97c each ***** new low price hit.
Danforth Market - Expires June 11th
Lime 10c each ***
Mango 50c each ***

Nations Fresh Food - Expires June 12th
Red peppers 99c/lb

Yummy Market - Expires June 12th
Pears Bosc or bartlet 89c/lb **

Oceans Fresh Foods - Expires June 12th
Fresh boneless skinless chicken breast.$3.29/lb ***
Chicken leg $1.09/lb

Star Wind Super Market - Expires June 12th
Heinz ketchup $1.68 750ml ****

Great Food Supermarket - Expires June 12th
Oasis 1.75L juice $1.99 ***

Best Value - Expires June 12th
Blood oranges 15 for $1 each ***** New low price hit.

Blue Sky Supermarket - Expires June 12th
Red delicious apples 59c/lb ***
Golden delicious apples 59c/lb ***