Saturday, August 2, 2014

Buy by the Bushel

Lets talk Bushel.
1 US bushel = 35.239072 liters
Many places start selling local fruit and veggies by the bushel during this season of plenty. So some Bushel rules.
1) Buying bulk does not mean it is a good deal. Look up at the stock up price list and make sure you are paying about 20% less than the stock up price list since you have to buy so much.
2) Remember that you can exchange rotten or bad produce for good ones no one is making you take bad produce since it is part of the bushel. Just make sure the volume of the produce remains the same.
3) Just looking at the sample flyer we can see one terrible deal of Dill cucumbers at about 85c/lb and a smashing deal of Peaches at about 53c/lb Which is about 40% under the stock up price. So just be careful.
4) I would stay clear from deals that do not even say how much weight approximately the bushel represents.
5) Buying bushels early when they just come out is always better. They usually only get one truck full and keep selling it. People that get it 2 weeks later get bad produce for the same price.
6) You can always combine Bushel deals with Student 10% discounts or 10% employee discount. That will make it an even better deal.
7) Remember stores will price match Bushel deals too.

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