Coupon Terms

Checkout 51 (CO51), SnapSaves, CartSmarts, Zweet, =  An app that lets you take picture of your receipt and will send you a cheque you for buying an item on the list. (Cart smart and Zweet only available for Iphones and Ipads at the moment)
FPC/FREE PRODUCT COUPON= A coupon that allows you to get the product completely free - tax should be paid by retailer
MIR - mail in rebate
SCOP - scanning code of practice. If the scanned price of an item is higher than the shelf price or any other displayed price, the customer is entitled to receive the first item free, up to a $10 maximum (if over $10, the item is discounted $10 off the item). This is how you can get FREE stuff just by paying attention to your receipts and the cash register
Overage = value of a coupon exceeds the purchase price and you get paid for buying the item.
STACKING = Some stores allow the use of more than one coupon per item, if the coupon itself does not restrict it. You can stack in London drugs, Target and in few RCSS or WM.

Limit 1 Coupon Per Purchase = You can use one coupon for each item purchased. For example, if you are purchasing 3 bottles of shampoo, you can use 3 coupons. You cannot use 3 coupons on 1 bottle of shampoo.
Limit 1 Coupon Per Transaction = You can only use 1 coupon per transaction. If you want to use more than one, simply do multiple transactions.
Limit 1 Coupon Per Person/Family = You can only use 1 coupon per store visit. If you wish to use more than one coupon, you can always go back to the store another day.
AC = After Coupon
AR = after rebate
BOGO or B1G1 = Buy One, Get One Free
B2G1 = Buy Two, Get One Free
B2S5 = Buy two items save $5
Catalina coupon = coupon that prints out as part of your check out and can only be used at that store.
CSM = customer service manager
Captcha = number/letters they ask you to type to verify your not a automated computer program
FS = free shipping
GC = gift card
Hang tag = a coupon hanging of a product.
MSRP = manufacturer's retail price
SS = SnapSaves.
Tear-pad = A pad of coupons, usually on the shelf or display, where you tear the coupon off of the pad.
WUB = When You Buy
WUS = when you spend
MIR = Mail In Rebate
Peelie = A coupon that is attached directly to the product to be “peeled off“.

Forum Chatting:
BSC = fresh "boneless skinless chicken" breast
HV = High Value
UPC = Universal Product Code (barcode on product)
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary (you might not find it in your local store)

BB = Best Buy
B&BW = Bath and Body Works
CZ = Coupon Zone (can be found in RCSS, No frills or Independent)
CT = Canadian Tire
LD = London Drugs Coupon Zone
FS = Future shop
RCSS = Real Canadian Superstore
SOF = Save on Foods
SDM = Shoppers Drug Mart
WM = Walmart
NF = No Frills
GT = Giant Tiget
FB = Food Basics
HH = Home hardware building center
HD = Home Depot

Red Plum  (RP) = a coupon insert that comes out periodically in newspapers.
SmartSource (SS) = distribute scheduled coupon inserts in your newspaper.
P&G = Proctor & Gamble (coupon booklet & website)
Unilever = Coupon booklet distributed in the local papers.

Other Blogs or web sites Short form
SC = smartcanucks
MS J = mrs January
CC = coupon christine
RFD = red flag deals

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