Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Keurig K-cups for 29c or less

Timothy's Sugar Bush Maple K-Cup Box (24) at 50% off

Also the Van Houtte White Chocolate Mint Coffee 50% off on Keurig.ca

Need to be a member to get that price (free)

Over $45 get free shipping 

If you get 4 boxes you should get free shipping and pick the Brew over ice pack for free too. 

go first via Ebates and get 10% cash back too.

If asked give my email ribovski@hotmail.com

You will also get $5 just for sighing up and making your first purchase.

Use code SURV0BFNMLB5OFF for $5 off $50 when you check out in keurig 

do not forget to register your keurig for 2 free boxes of coffee.